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/ PC World 2007 September / PCWorld_2007-09_cd.bin / v cisle / keepas / keepas.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2007-08-02  |  51KB  |  633x446  |  16-bit (27,711 colors)
Labels: crt screen | dialog box | laptop | monitor | window
OCR: KeePass Password Safe File View Tools Help Title User Name URL Password Notes Create new password database Enter master key Set master key Enter the master key for the new database Enter the passphrase and/or select the key file's drive Key Enter password 50 bits Use password AND key file Select the drive to which the key file should be saved to <No drive selected> 5ave Key File Manually 0.. Help Cancel Total: groups entries 0of0 selected Ready Edit Save Marually qroups